Universal Content-Use Release

Information & Form


Friends, Former Colleagues & Business Partners:


If you’ve ever “appeared” in any Photo | Video | Multimedia I’ve shot…


Please sign this Universal Content-Use Release


Want more details?

Keep reading…



I have a confession to make:

For years, I’ve known I needed to ask you to do this. But I haven’t asked before because I didn’t want to bother you. And I was busy doing other stuff with my career - like joining the IATSE Local 600 Union and trying to “make it” in Hollywood. Then launching a mobile app company (FotoGenie) that would make booking photographers and creating digital marketing photos an affordable, on-demand service.

But I failed. During the pandemic I had to close FotoGenie down for good. Now I am struggling to find a job.

That’s why I need your help.

I’d like you to think back on all the fun times we’ve had. Do you remember how many photos and videos we’ve captured together over the years? Well, I need you to try to see those incredible images the way I am REvisualizing them now. . .


as a potential source of income.


INCENTIVE TO READ ON: At the end of the true story I’m about to tell you, you will find a FREE link to all the photos I have ever taken of you. > Except the super *special* ones ;) Those you can download for $9.99 by clicking HERE.

So here goes - my “Pitch” for your help…

Everybody has heard of “Stock Photography.” And these days, it’s a well-known fact that Content Creators just like me are using all the images and videos they create to generate passive income.

I’ve just never prioritized it because frankly I think it’s really narcissistic. Who wants to be the Instagram “Influencer” who is always walking around shooting everything and talking at the camera like they are some kind of celebrity?

Apparently the entire population of Gen Z’ers. But I’m an OG Old-Schooler - it’s just not my style.

However, I don’t have the luxury of ignoring this potential source of income anymore. The reality is I have literally hundreds of thousands of images and videos that are just languishing on old hard drives. And NONE of that is out there in the world getting licensed.

So I am going to give you a really good example of why this idea makes perfectly solid, logical sense. It’s going to seem crazy at first, but just bear with me…


Spoiler Alert


My story centers on this guy…



If you’re already convinced - or bored by cute puppies…



Since I was a kid, I have always been a real scrounge.

My mom and I used to go to antique stores and yard sales all the time. We’d pick through piles of junk looking for lost treasures and sweet deals.

These days, I sometimes stop by Goodwill just to see what fun stuff is lying around. And yes, I have also been known to occasionally dumpster-dive.

For some, they’d never admit to this, but I actually take pride in finding awesome goodies in the trash! (Seriously, you should try it!)

Anyway, few weeks ago, I was getting my mail (which of course, included a really fun letter from the IRS…) and I walked by one of the dumpsters in my apartment complex. Sitting on the side was a decent-looking dog crate.

Check it out:


Being the scroungy dirtbag I am, I just had to go take a closer look. By my estimation, something like this costs about $150 brand new.

Now think about it: If you were walking in the street and found $150 in cash lying on the sidewalk, would you stop to grab it? Yup. You sure would. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t.

Ah-ha! We’re not so different now, are we?!

And here’s proof I am not even more cooky than that whack-job skitzo trying to sell you a bunch of beat plastic flowers for $20 bucks at the traffic-light:


So of course I snagged this dog kennel!

I had no place to store it, but $159 is $159. (So is $20 - just saying…)

And since I am totally broke and literally living on massive credit-card debt, there’s no way I would pass up this opportunity.

Not to mention - I had this idea:

“What if this is a sign from the universe? What if this means I should adopt a dog to be my buddy during the long and lonely days I spend sending my resume out to hundreds of employers who just keep ignoring me?! What if this is a sign that I don’t have to be so sad??”

Let’s Get Real: I’m unemployed. Have been for a while. Am struggling to pay rent and put food on the table. Adopting a dog would be entirely irresponsible - not to mention supremely selfish.

So I pretended I am actually a mature, 40-year old adult and created a Craigslist post:


Fast forward weeks and multiple super flaky buyers later:


I gotta chuck this fucking thing back in the trash!


Then I get a text from an unknown number:


So I waited a couple hours and then <<DING>> This pops up…


I felt bad - sounds like a genuinely good person missed out on adopting a nice little puppy.

And I also felt like this is clearly The Universe sending me yet another sign:


Yes, Mr. Universe, Sir, I hear you loud and clear. But maybe you could stop jerking me around with all these stupid signs and just have somebody with this job you speak of actually respond to my resume!

And then guess what happened? Exactly what you’d expect…


So I got on with my day and kept developing the Airbnb® Experiences / Photography Tours I’ve been preparing to launch - just in case, at this point in my tale, you’re thinking I’m a whiny little bitch with nothing better to do but pick through trash and tell sob stories about how Life is taking a giant shit on me!


(Airbnb® may be on to something by the way - one Experience Host lady is making $50,000 a year teaching people how to make “Authentic Mexican Tacos” out of her kitchen!)

Anyway, back to the cute puppy story…

So I figure, one more time, things are not going to work out. And I’m never going to sell this damn dog kennel.

But then later that evening <<DING>> I get another message…


Things were finally looking up! I was going to make $90 bucks on a crate I found in the trash and, far more importantly, this cute little puppy was gonna find a great home!


Seriously, though? Does it really get much cuter than this???


Okay, so what’s the take-away here?


I see FOUR actually:

  1. The cute little puppy found a wonderful home. That’s the BEST news.

  2. I made $90 in cash (FUCK YOU IRS!!!) because Todd didn’t low-ball me - he knew $90 for a $159 dog crate is a real steal.

  3. Together, we all turned a negative into a positive. And even though I’m still broke and sad, this is a really happy story. So thanks for that valuable Life Lesson, Mr. Universe.

  4. Getty Images and iStock made money too - and so did the photographers who snapped those photos. . .


DISCLAIMER: This story is 100% real. I’m not bullshitting you one bit.

But did you really think there is a billboard on the side of the freeway speaking just to me, Dan Smarg? Come on. I’m not nearly that cool!

And did you actually think the super nice Craigslist Puppy Lady sent me a photo of her children embracing their new pooch pal?

No way! Todd would definitely not like to know his wife was texting photos to a random dude she just met on the Internet! What if he’s a crazy-person?! What if he’s the kind of guy who would literally jump into a dumpster to take trash out and then sell it to total strangers on Craigslist?!

I think I’ve made my point pretty clear. But I’m desperate, so I have nothing to hide.


Circa 2014 when I founded FotoGenie


Now, let’s re-focus on why I NEED YOUR HELP

And how YOU will profit from helping me…


I looped this story back around to Photos & Content because <<DRUM ROLL>>

Nope: Guess again - I’m not going to ask you to invest in or subscribe to anything. Nor beg for money just to keep my lights on.

And I’m not trying to scam you with some cheesy pyramid scheme or affiliate marketing ploy…

I’m literally showing you in real, undeniable terms that there are photographers out there in the world making money with their cameras - and their photos.

Sadly, I am not one of them. I would really like to be, but I have never been able to figure out how to consistently get paid for my ability to create pretty pictures. That’s why I am where I am in life - because I followed my unique ability and FAILED.

But that’s not your fault. It’s my burden; I’m carrying it. All I need you to do is help me with the heavy-lifting.

Not like this front-loader (below) - we don’t need that.

BTW, here I am when I actually had a job - shooting Ice Road Truckers for History Channel. I actually almost died 3 separate times for Tuesday night television. Hope you enjoyed the show :)


I need you to sign off / allow me to use a select few images we’ve created to magically turn dumpster dog kennels into cold hard cash.


I’m being serious. Are you starting to see how this will work?

I have hundreds of thousands of images and videos wasting away on hard-drives - like digital dumpsters. I could set them all ablaze and we’d have a digital dumpster fire party, but then we really wouldn’t make any money together!

No, I need you to sign my Universal Content-Use Release so I can submit images we’ve created to various stock companies. Without your written consent, I cannot submit anything.

This is not going to make me rich. Believe me. But it just might help me generate some passive monthly income that will keep food on the table while I figure out how to get paid to do stuff like this again…


Truth is, I’m really only good at one thing…


…Creating images (some of which might actually be in focus) and telling mildly entertaining stories.

It’s what keeps the lights on not just in my apartment - but also in my soul.

So if you agree to sign off on allowing me to use the images we’ve created together, you’re giving me a HAND UP - NOT A HAND OUT.


Peace Of Mind Promise®


This is not a time to be vain or self-conscious. There is not one single person on the other side of the screen who will look at a photo or video of you and say: “Wow - That human really missed the mark!”

Nor will I even consider submitting any images of you that I wouldn’t submit of myself.

(Which actually, you should be very afraid of! LOL #justkidding #FOMO)



Privacy Guarantee


I know we’re having a few laughs over all this super serious stuff, but all joking aside, I take privacy very seriously.

No photo / video gallery that contains intimate or private business content is made publicly available.

All URLs are either privately linked (Meaning, you’d have to be given the specific URL…) or locked with password-access. The galleries I do make public contain content that has already been released or is “post-worthy.”

If, for any reason, there is an image in a gallery that you do not want posted, you may take a screengrab of it and Contact me directly to request removal.

That’s my Privacy Guarantee.





SPECIAL NOTE: A lot of Photographers | Brands etc ask Models to sign Appearance Releases that don’t give them anything in return. They may get paid, but then they have no residual “ownership” of the images. I don’t believe in that. I believe in sharing profits for something we created together. So I do.

And besides, you did all the hard work - I just showed up and pressed the red button ;)

So if you do sign the Universal Content-Use Release, I am legally obligated to do the following for you:




Give you “Good & Valuable Consideration”

In the form of Photos…




Give you 10% Commission

Of the Licensing Fee



So thank you for listening to my “Story.” I hope to hear back from you soon.

And if you’re thinking: “That’s cute, but what’s the catch?”

You’re in luck. You get to read all about it! Not the catch - there is no catch. Or “Fine Print.”

But if you want to dive even deeper (sorry, bad Dad joke/callback…could’t resist!) you can read everything you need to know about Commercial / Editorial Licensing Agreements, Pricing, Stock Archives, Industry Standards etc. in the “Fine Print” section further below…

Knock yourself right out. Or, trust me - you know I’m a straight-shooter - and just sign the freakin’ Agreement already!



Universal Content-Use Release


Got Kids?

Please also sign this…



The “Fine” Print


My goal is to be 100% transparent about the legal process of creating content with both immediate and residual value.

So I’ve prepared a few resources (Links Below) for you to review before you digi-sign the Universal Model Release that will allow us to generate passive income on the content we are about to or have already created together.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Your buddy,

Dan Smarg