Rest easy - everything we’ll create together is based on your budget…


Just a pretty picture of my gorgeous friends, Laurel & Charlie…


There are three ways we can work together…


+ Ongoing Content Licensing

Monthly Contract

Content Licensing Included

One-Time Contract

Content Licensing Included



Multimedia Content Services

What to expect…


Before we decide what option is best for you, let’s first chat about why I structure my pricing this way - and how I determine Service Fees based on Your Budget…

Here is a Pricing Maze: Solve it to determine your Project Cost. . .


Most folks look at a maze and simply just start - assuming that they will eventually figure it out.

And that’s a great way to live your life - being willing to take some risks, walk multiple paths and discover hidden truths all while “embracing the journey. . .”

But this is a terrible idea for your business - because time is money!


Every single Business Owner I meet with asks exactly the same question:

“Roughly how much is this going to cost?”

That’s like asking Babe Ruth how many home runs he set out to hit during his career - and he’d say: “All of them!”

Requesting an Upfront Estimate is the most expensive way because neither of us know exactly how we’re going to reach the end-goal. Follow that path and you’re guaranteed to waste a lot more time and money than you need to spend.

Same thing for the Flat Pricing Model - there is no way for me to realistically set flat pricing because I will always spend more time than I expected - which is a dead-end deal for me.


But if we begin with your ideal or bottom-line budget, we don’t have to solve anything - and we both get what we want:

You know exactly how much you’re going to spend because you set the budget. Then I can outline what we will accomplish within that budget - without “hidden fees.”

SECRET STRATEGY: We start at the end - with your preferred cost rather than guessing what it “should be.” 

And the best part is, we can always increase or decrease your budget based on the real-world results we discover together.




I create exceptional, branded multimedia content that helps businesses sell eCommerce Products and Services as well as improve their Google Search-Engine SEO/SERP Ranking via highly-engaging social media posts.

And I do it 100% for “free.”

What?! That’s just crazy - nobody can work for free! How do you make a living?


SPOTIFY’s #1 Offline Partner, Be Mighty Product Launch


Our Licensing Agreement


If I approach you / your business because I think there is great potential synergy, I offer to work for zero payment up front. You literally pay me nothing.

But if you like what I capture or create, we’ll determine a licensing deal for you to use the multimedia for commercial purposes. That Licensing & Services Agreement is fully negotiable and can last for as long or as short a time as you’d like.


That’s it.

No “Strings attached.”

No “Catch.”

No “Fine Print.”


I am simply so confident you’ll love what I do so much, that I’d rather avoid complicating our ongoing relationship with boring discussions about: “How much is this going to cost?”

It’s a lot more fun (and productive) to just create amazing content that sells your products and services!





Monthly Retainer & On-Demand Multimedia



Spring Catalog for eCommerce Brand, ELECTRIC FAMILY


When the multimedia content we produce starts to make your sales go gang-busters, it’s a great opportunity to talk about how we can create more together…

Monthly Contracts

I primarily work with individuals and companies on monthly RAW* Multimedia Contracts

*Video Post-Production & Photo Editing Services are optional.

Why? Because some businesses want to edit their own stuff!

View Details


One-Time Contracts

I also work with individuals and businesses on an on-demand basis.


Why don’t you just have hourly pricing or flat rates?

Great question! Everyone always wants to know. Many media folks choose to work this way. I don’t.

Instead, I want you to use the content we create together for only as long as you feel it serves your business.

Specifically, if you have a product launch or service promotion, you may only want to use it for a limited time. For multimedia you want to leave on your social channels or on your website indefinitely, our Licensing Agreement can extend as long as you’d like.


Bar W Ranch | Whitefish, MT


Also, it’s because I am not a plumber. Or an electrician. Or a lawyer. Multimedia production is based on a very specific case-by-case quote. Many factors are involved. So is the amount of time. Therefore, I choose not to have hourly or flat rates because they simply don’t cover every potential kind of production.

My goal is not to get you to pay me as much as possible. My primary objective is to provide you the best multimedia at the lowest cost.


“But you’ve shot multimedia content for Lululemon, North Face and even Google!

I can’t afford you!”

Wrong. Every business can afford to produce multimedia marketing content. In fact, you can’t afford NOT TO.


When you Request A Quote, we start with a simple conversation. We’ll chat about your main goal and what your ideal budget is.

Even if you only have $100 to spend, I will help you determine the best way we can produce multimedia content for your business for $100. It won’t be a Hollywood Blockbuster, but it also won’t be some terrible snapshots or shaky video on your iPhone…



Multimedia Content Editing Services

Photography Retouching Services


Video Editing Services



Using your content for Commercial (For Profit) purposes?

Commercial Licensing may apply.

Learn more…

Review Services Agreement





I prefer to be paid via Quickbooks because they use PayPal plugins and it’s the most secure way to accept ACH direct-deposits to my business account.

But if your bank doesn’t offer Zelle, I accept payments via Venmo as well.



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