Ongoing Content Creation Proposal

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Let’s shoot some epic

Dude Ranch Lifestyle Content

to boost bookings & SEO



I am NOT a “Social Media Influencer”

asking for a free stay.


Far from it.

I’m a regular guy - just like you - just doing what I do best. You run a successful ranch operation. I specialize in premium content creation and digital marketing.

Why reach out to dude ranches then?

Because you’re my people. And I want to work with you to help keep the Great American West just that - great.


I’m reaching out to help you create exceptional content for your Social Media posts and Digital Marketing campaigns that will greatly improve your Search Engine Optimization.

But not just pretty pictures and videos - content that actually converts into new bookings that will keep your ranch running strong season after season - year after year.

I’d like to just start a conversation. No strings attached.


In exchange for your time,

I’d like to offer you FREE photos for your social media and a blog post

with backlinks to your website.


Unfortunately, strategizing Social Media & Digital Marketing is not as easy as brewing your morning cup of Joe. . .

It’s a serious challenge for every business - especially folks like you who have much more important things to tend to - like your property and your animals.

My proposal isn’t some fancy-pants pitch from a “boutique marketing agency.” Just a few words of wisdom from a fellow professional about ways you can optimize your outreach.

Below, I’ll also give you some pro tips on best-practices, what’s “trending” and what strategies are most effective.




How “SEO Ranking” Really Works

Instagram Reels Rank Higher

Why Short-Form | Curated Content Converts More

Short-Form Content Idea Just For You

Social Media Post “Relevance” Optimization

Social Media Post “Engagement” Optimization

Debunking The Myth of Search Engine Optimization


Feel free to take your time; digest everything over several sittings. Then you can decide if you’d like to continue our chat in person - the good old-fashioned way!

And if you’re already a social media/digital marketing genius or you have a company/agency you’re working with, please stay in touch in case you need content/help in the future!

Otherwise, I would love to chat with you/your Marketing Team about how we can work together as well.

Thank you for your time and consideration. . .

Dan Smarg feeding horse at Red Horse Mountain Ranch, Idaho meadow

Creating content is like breaking a bronc…

To thrive, it requires both a strong and soft touch, but above all, confidence.


Living and working on a ranch, one thing becomes real clear real fast:

You either work with Nature or you work against Her - because Mother Nature is the great equalizer. She doesn’t care if you’re cold. If you’re wet. Or hungry and utterly exhausted.

Every morning at dawn, She makes sure you never forget the early pioneering days when She’d wake the very first cowboys on the property with a single thought:

“The strays gotta get back to the barn or there won’t be a barn to get ‘em to come next season…”


And just like your herd:

Community can’t be bought - it’s built.

(So are New Reservation Bookings & SEO…)


Whether you’re still chasing cows through the backcountry or organizing all your Guests feels more like herding cats, life today remains pretty much the same. . .

Fortunately, with a bit of luck and a helluva lot more grit, you built your spread and your stock like you built the rest of the ranch: Stone by stone - over multiple generations.

And every one of your family and hands right down to the last colt and calf in the pasture understands the work it takes to create an operation worth the weight of its brand.

Because, one way or another, your outfit is about the animals and family first - always has been; always will be.

Effective Social Media Content (“Digital Marketing”) is exactly the same.


Quality content must be curated.

Because content that doesn’t convert (sell) is just pretty pictures. . .


It’s taken decades to build your reputation. A lot of hard-fought, behind-the-scenes battles; close-calls and probably more than just a few stories you’d rather not repeat.

But now, with all your notoriety, you’ve no doubt had your fair share of inquiries from so-called “Influencers” who are just looking for a free meal and a place to hang their (fake) cowboy hat in exchange for a few “Likes.”

Except, in times like these, folks just don’t shoot straight like they used to.

Nowadays, Influencers refer to these kind of freebe hand-outs as “Collabs.” And the best part is, they also just assume you already know what a “Collab” is.

Well, one thing is very clear to me:

The reason you’ve been so successful all these years is precisely because your definition of “collaboration” is much different - and so is mine. . .


So, that said…


Or keep going to get the good stuff!


Your Social “Presence” is Proof of Concept

And its strength is predicated on “Following”


Horses follow each other until you and the dogs turn up - and then they follow you (sometimes!)

But if you wrangle ‘em right, they go just where you lead ‘em.

Filling your Guest Services bookings is exactly the same process:

Building your “Presence,” showing people who you are and what you’re made of is what generates new reservations.

The key to success is to refine how you (pardon my pun) herd the herd.


The benefit of developing a strong and consistent Social Media presence is an endless source of eyeballs aka “Impressions” or CTRs (Click-Through-Rate) on your content.

And the best way to do that is by consistently - relentlessly - attracting attention - like moths to a flame.

Then, once you have ‘em circled ‘round the campfire, it’s time to tell a story that keeps everyone sitting on the edge of the log!


That’s when a strong “Social Media Following” turns into “Social Media Engagement” because it becomes real action:

Bookings that keep your reviews, reputation plus SEO ranking a notch above the competition - and your overall ranch operations profitable. . .


Because otherwise, “The Dude Ranch Experience” is like an empty porch:

It’s set real nice and purty for company, but ain’t nobody showin’ up ‘til you put food and drink on the table!

Then it becomes something special - something worth sharing on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook (now, “Meta”), Pinterest, and yes, even TikTok.

And you already know that. It’s 2022 - not 1822.


But your biggest challenge is: “I have a ranch to run - I don’t have time for all this Social Media stuff!”

You’re not wrong. You don’t have time for it. But unfortunately, that mindset is just like not caring for your stock and crew: It’s an excuse you simply cannot make if you want a healthy herd come auction time.

Or in the case of your Guests, come booking time.

Good news is: You don’t have to ride this steep mountain path alone. . .


Real collaboration is about fostering an ongoing content creation partnership - not just hiring a local photographer to snap some pictures for your website.

Because let’s be honest, your ranch is beautiful. But so are all the others.

Just looking at photos online, I can’t tell the difference between your ranch and any of the others.

And no offense - neither can anybody else.

It’s time to change that. You need to find a way to set yourself apart. And keep setting yourself apart.

Cuz you ain’t gonna win this barrel race by cutting corners!


Collaboration = Partnership


Your brand IS your brand.


So I suggest we consistently create content (photos & short-form video) that is true to your brand - not just a generic “cowboy experience.”

But these days, a brand is not something you burn into the rear-end of your steers.

Today, your brand is only one thing:

Are you actively (once or twice daily!) posting “on Instagram?” “on YouTube?” “Meta” or whatever that guy, Zuckerberg is calling Facebook this week…

Literally and figuratively - you have to put your brand on your content just like you do your stock. Otherwise, each head in your herd won’t look no different than everybody else’s. . .


Don’t try to brand this guy. That would be a bad idea. Unless you specialize in #bisonburgers


Next, we literally invent ways to facilitate organic content creation with your existing Guests so you always have a fresh bevy to post to attract new Guests - just like a barn full of dry hay during the cold winter months.

Because that’s when folks are booking their trips - during the winter when they’re pining away for the long, lazy days of summer filled with fun, family and friends.

That’s also when they are most likely to spend more time and money planning ahead. So you have to be top of mind when they’re primed like a pump.

Let me give you an example. . .


A Winter’s Tale

My first Alaskan luxury lodge customer…


Most people wouldn’t even consider visiting Alaska in the winter. It’s just too dang cold!

But that’s not the story I suggested to Mike McBride, owner of one of Alaska’s premier lodges - the Kachemak Bay Wilderness Lodge and its sister property, Loonsong.


When I first reached out, I sent a single image - a stock photo I found on Getty - to illustrate my idea.

It was a shot of an old log cabin, winter-bound and laden with snow. But its windows were filled with the warm, inviting glow of a fiery hearth; candles illuminating every pane. The scene was reflected across a glassy pond - painting an idealized picture - framed by silent pines and cool moonlight. It was literally a winter fantasy - not a summer one.

Intrigued, Mike agreed to set up a call. . .


When we spoke, I said, “The Kachemak Bay | Loonsong Experience doesn’t have to fit the typical ‘Alaskan Summer’ stereotype full of wildflowers and grizzly bears. What if you painted a different picture?

What if you opened some additional dates during the shoulder seasons when the other lodges are still closed down?

That way, you’re one of the only if not the only lodge in Homer with reduced-cost reservations during the early spring and late fall months?

You can get away with charging less because your guests won’t be able to do as much. But by the end of the season, you will have made much more.”


Mike was sold.

Within a week, I was flying over a glacier in his infamous Piper Cub. We landed right on the Loonsong moraine ready to tell the lodge’s incredible story via truly epic photographs.


And of course, to snap that one photo I promised; the shot with the candlelight reflecting across the lake!


RESULTS: I just shot the photos featured in this video - Mike’s long-time promotional partner, Alaska.org liked what we captured so much, they had their internal team edit the video and post it on their social media, in the newsletter and on their website along with a revised booking schedule.

Now, business is better than ever.



Create content that

Sets your ranch apart…


What’s the take-away? How does the Kachemak/Loonsong story relate to YOUR ranch and your Social Media?

A true content collaboration involves consistently working with someone like me.

Because of the experience I’ve had working with other ranches and luxury lodges just like yours, I understand your priorities.


The content we create together…

…will help you sell without selling out.


I can help you sell the “Dude Ranch Fantasy” while keeping your ranch’s story unique to your property - your personal heritage.

In other words, I will help you sell without selling out.


Your Guests are more sophisticated than most. More discerning. And they are happy to pay your higher rates because they expect more. So your content needs to speak to them - not just any ‘ol outtatowners!

It’s also important the content we produce resonates with your Guests so they are proud to share it within their own social and professional circles. . .


In other words, we have to create a website and a social media presence that makes it easy for people to do what they do best - brag about their experience!

To create a “ton of content,” we’ll need to build a long-term partnership so I can be your content guy. I’m not suggesting a staff position per se, although we can discuss options.


I suggest we set up a recurring schedule to come to the ranch and capture as many different kinds of stories (high-converting content) as possible.

Not just pretty pictures. Those are just a bonus. . .



Boldness is best.

That’s why I’m personally inviting you to collaborate.


See, these bald eagles are collaborating - they’re looking for lunch - together! Because birds of a feather… Well, you get the point ;)


Ready to collaborate?

If not, no worries - let’s stay in touch…



Want FREE Digital Marketing Tips?

Keep on reading…




How “SEO Ranking” Really Works

Instagram Reels Rank Higher

Why Short-Form | Curated Content Converts More

Short-Form Content Idea Just For You

Social Media Post “Relevance” Optimization

Social Media Post “Engagement” Optimization

Debunking The Myth of Search Engine Optimization


BULLS-EYE! I hit this apple (and pigmy t-rex) while it was trying to escape via zip-line about 25 meters away. I’ve been shooting guns and bows my entire life, but this is easily one of my top 3 favorite “hits!”

Social Media Marketing is no different - it’s like trying to hit a moving target from a long distance away.

And you just have to keep firing until you hit your mark.

Then, once you’re zeroed (so to speak), you get really good at it and you’ll nail your target audience every time. . .


I keep making metaphors to stuff you can relate to because I hope that first, you see I speak YOUR language. Not some hyped-up marketing agency jargon!

I’m not implying you don’t understand me. I’m simply stressing the value of clear communication. No bullshit.

And because I want you to understand that creating engaging content is actually really easy. Plus, it will help you grow.

All you need to do is think of it like any other daily chore you do around your property.

So let’s get right into it. . .



How “SEO Ranking” Really Works


Are you hosting any big events this season? Weddings? Retreats? Reunions? Let’s shoot those specifically. Let’s capture those actual events; those actual people.

Not just random Guests riding your horses or sitting around a camp fire.

Now, with relevant content, you can provide additional value to your Guests AND to yourself because it involves them personally.

You’re giving them something priceless - personal memories, custom-branded corporate promotional materials and most importantly, an excuse to share it!


Fundamentally, this is how Social Media works:

Just posting pretty pictures isn’t enough.

To rank higher in the search engine algorithms, you have to consistently post really “relevant” content that people actually engage with - and share.


What’s this “ranking” stuff?

You think of a young, unbroken bull or stallion as “rank,” right?

Same deal: Great content is wild and out of control. It bucks all over, kicking everything - and anyone - around!

So do people who actively engage with your content. Because when they get excited, they engage and share.

And then even more people engage and share. So your website, your social channels, your ranch (business) gets a major SEO (Search-Engine Optimization) boost.

That “boost” translates to your “rank” (status) in search-engine listings.


EXAMPLE: When a person types “Dude Ranch Vacation (“Your State/Town”)” into Google, you have to not just hope they “find” you.

You have to make sure they find you because you have the highest SEO and algorithmic ranking out of all the local Dude Ranches.

If not, you’ll show up way down the Google search results. Or, even worse, you won’t show up at all. And that’s really bad for business.

Can't win a rodeo by falling off the horse…



Let’s take a deep dive into “Insta.” Because you may think you know all about it, but not this version…


Apologies - here’s (below) an “Instagram Reel” that’s relevant to YOU - and one you can actually relate to!


See what I just did there? You took one look at that silly photo and said: “Nope! Not interested!”

And that’s the point: If your content isn’t relevant to the kinds of folks who you want to attract (or it doesn’t exist at all!), the algorithms (the coding that tailors searches to the type of content the viewer typically looks at or engages with) will kick your stuff to the digital curb.

Most people know Instagram as a “photo-sharing app.”

New Flash: It’s no longer a photo-sharing app. They changed the algorithm - again.


You can post your old photos on there, but nobody is going to see them. Because Insta is moving towards an entirely short-form video, consumer-focused model. Just like YouTube has already done.

YouTube favors (sends to the top of the user’s feed) content that either informs or educates. And stuff viewers watch all the way through. Insta is following suit.

So if your stuff doesn’t rank high enough - poof - you literally disappear. . .


Here’s a great example of an Instagram Reel from "@CountryLife” (Hilarious feed by the way…) that garnered ~33,000 engagements - and probably 3X that many views IN JUST 4 HOURS!

So in other words, in just four hours since its posting, 33K people pressed the “Like” heart and ~100K watched it. Give it a week or two and those will numbers probably double.

What’s the point? It’s a silly dog standing in a lake!

That is the point.

People love this stuff. Especially anything with animals in it.

And what is it that your ranch has an endless supply of? Really cute and Insta-likable animals!!!


You’re probably thinking: “Well, I’m not trying to book new Guests on Instagram. So why do I care?”

Valid point. But have you considered that having a feed with a lot of Followers and active engagements not only boosts your popularity, it validates your business on and off Social Media?

And the relative volume of traffic from social platforms to your website also drastically increases the likelihood Search Engines will rank you much higher?


So it very much matters.

Because those 33K bored people with nothing better to do than click on silly dog videos just made it possible for you to out-rank all your closest “competition” when it comes to be being top-of-search-results.

Are 33,000 people going to instantly swarm your site. No way! But I bet you don’t have even close to 33,000 people looking at your last post right now.


And of that 33,000, consider the possibility that at least half a dozen or more people who never even knew you existed might book a reservation. . .

What is that reservation “worth” to you in real dollars?

“Honey - go get the dog!!!”


Short-Form | Curated Content


Here’s a short-form video that is PERFECTLY DESIGNED to rank highest on the new Insta algorithm. And that’s exactly why when you search even the most generic phrase possible: “Dude Ranches” it pops right up…

. . .with ~250,000 views!

Why is it so effective?

It’s well-done, very cinematic; so “fun” to watch. Informative. And serves as the ideal lead-gen (lead-generation) “top-of-funnel” (sales pipeline) content.

A little pro marketing-speak here to illustrate my point: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to be relevant.

You just have to roll your wagon down the hill with the wheels you already got on there!


MillionStories.com specializes in this kind of short-form content that educates and informs small businesses on ways to manage their finances.

You could pay someone like this to learn some tips and tricks by subscribing to their courses on Dude Ranching.

But that’s not my point. The point is, this content is relevant to YOU. So YOU find value in it - even though it’s on Instagram. Because Instagram points you to their website.

So now, how can you begin thinking of ways to create content that does the same for your Ranch?

It’s a lot simpler than you think. . .


Here’s an example of a YouTube video that takes a really really simple topic, but turns it into an incredible piece of content; one that has attracted almost a QUARTER MILLION VIEWS.

I didn’t even plan to add this example, but it was so good, I had to share it with you:

I went on YouTube and typed in “How to iron on a patch?” That’s is not a dumb question - it’s exactly the kind of thing the average person would type in to their search browser.


Also, I’m the kind of guy who wrenches on my own Jeep. Why would I pay someone else to do something I need to know how to do - or learn?

Over the years, I’ve discovered that you should always consult other sources before you start taking things apart - just in case you didn’t think of something.

This patch video is a prime example of that:


Content that informs converts.


I chose this video instead of a Jeep repair video (which would probably interest you more) to illustrate the key take-away:

Informative videos convert to clicks-throughs. I may not be a punk hipster from Eastern Europe, but I watched all the way through because look at how well it’s done!

But if I were a punk hipster and I watched the whole video (because it’s only four minutes long) then I am more likely to click the link in the bio or maybe even subscribe to the channel.

Boom - just went straight down the rabbit hole. So if Asilda Store can make a video like this for glueing patches, just think of the informational / learning possibilities we can do for your Dude Ranch. . .

HINT: “How to smoke a wild-caught trout?”



Short-Form Content Idea

Just for you…


“Old Timer’s Tales”


Now that you understand the value of creating great, engaging content…

Let’s have some fun brain-storming a short-form video/top-of-funnel strategy for your ranch right now…

Got any ideas???

Here’s one: “Old Timer’s Tales”

Everybody loves a good campfire story, right?

Let’s role-play: Got a minute?

“Sure I do. I just searched for “Dude Ranch (Your State/Town)” and the first thing that came up is a video called “Old Timer’s Tales” with 250,000 views. It has to be really good!”

<Presses Play>


Let’s be honest: Nobody ever got bored and walked out on one of grand-dad’s stories.

Because when he started playin’ his guitar and telling tales, everybody got real quiet and listened.

Same concept applies to Old Timer’s Tales:

We get some of your favorite old-timers together; maybe they’re not even on the ranch anymore. Or they’re friends of friends. Let’s get ‘em back ‘round the campfire doin’ what they do best - playin’ guitar; tellin’ great stories about grand adventures back in the old days. . .


I’ll bet there’s a tall fish-tale or two that others want to hear - a whole lot of others. . .

In fact, here’s an example called “Carhartt Generations” that CARHARTT did for their 125th Anniversary. It’s a micro-series that focuses on the greatest ranches in the American West.

This episode centers on one of the longest running operations - The Rankin Ranch in Caliente, CA. And with 43,000 views, it is exactly the kind of content I suggest we create for your ranch:


So to take advantage of Instagram and YouTube, you need short-form, micro content.

You’re giving - not getting (yet).

You’re not asking for anything in return - this is not a hard-sell (Watch our video, get 10% off your Dude Ranch Booking…)

No. It’s just authentic content that’s shot well and fun to watch.


We’re going to shoot Grand Dad’s whole story - even if it takes an hour.

We’re going to cut a 60-second preview of it; key-word it based on top-trending Dude Ranch keyword searches; create a link from the post to your website; and have a special page dedicated to “Old Timers’ Tales” right on your homepage.


So now, when folks interested in Dude Ranches are done watching, they’re already lined right up on your front porch - so to speak.

How much of that kind of high-converting content do you have already shot, edited and ready to post?

Don’t worry. That’s exactly why I’m reaching out to help you create it :)



Let’s talk “Real Relevance.”


Similar to the buzz-word “Collab,” all the major social channels are talking about “relevance” these days.

We eluded to this earlier, but what does “relevance” really mean?

Does your ranch’s story/message/service offering interest the people in the demographic you want to attract?

You’re probably going to say: “Yes, of course it does!”

But the answer is actually no, it doesn’t. And it doesn’t because if they can’t or literally don’t organically find you, your story/message/service offering doesn’t exist. . .


So now you’re thinking: “Okay, fine, I get it. I need to “post more social media. But the kids these days are the only ones looking at it - and they’re not the ones paying for reservations at my ranch.”

You’re right. They most likely aren’t.

But “they” are the ones looking at social feeds all day. And as a result, they are potentially giving the IDEA of staying at a Dude Ranch to their folks - or grandparents who are paying for the upcoming Family Reunion.


But only if the content they see interests and engages them.

Question is: Is your ranch going to be the one they book when they decide they wanna play cowboy?

Or someone else’s. . .



So let’s talk “Engagement.”


Great, another buzz-word. I don’t mean to bombard you, but understanding these terms is the key to cracking the mysterious “secret” behind Social Media.

Now that you’ve created “Relevant Content” you have to make sure it’s actually “Engaging.”

There’s a concept in marketing called “CTA” - a Call-To-Action.

It’s the same as the old saying: “You can lead a horse to water but. . .


. . .you can’t make ‘im drink.”

It’s time to debunk that myth:

Not everything you post can be a direct call-to-action - like a special offer on booking a reservation. If it was, it wouldn’t be “Special!”

So what does “Engagement” mean to you?

Most likely, first thing that comes to mind is a Wedding Engagement.


You’re on-track because Social Media Engagement is similar to an engagement for marriage.

If having a wedding is the end-goal, the Engagement should seal the deal. Cement the relationship - right?

Social Media Engagement is the same.

Social Media Engagement is how your content motivates your viewers - whether they “follow” you or not - to take action.

Even if it’s simply just to watch out for your next post because they like what you just posted. . .


But Engagement is actually more important than that. What’s far more valuable is how it directly affects your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

If you have good SEO, people can find you more easily. And in theory, you book more reservations.

If you have bad SEO, you have a “Slow season.” Post-pandemic, nobody can afford that.


So how do you create content that is both relevant AND engaging? (Results in more bookings. . .)

Well, if you can find the “Secret Method” to doing that every time, you, my friend, will become richer that Elon Musk!

Bottom Line: There is no secret sauce. No recipe for engagement success in Social Media Marketing.

And anyone who claims there is is a liar. Do not sign. Run away quickly!


Here’s another Pro Tip: Combine Value - "Experience + Tangible Take-Away” - Like my Sunset Swing Adventure Experience with Airbnb® is an incredible memory plus FREE photos. . .


Through our Content Collaboration, I promise you one thing and one thing only:

We will discover what works for you and your ranch. But we have to be patient and consistent.

And we can’t quit. Because if we do, there’s no point to even starting.





There’s that word again - the scariest buzz-term of them all: SEO. Search Engine Optimization.

I’ve mentioned SEO several times earlier, but it merits a dedicated blurb because it’s the proverbial elephant in the room.

If you’ve spoken to any marketing agency or freelancing whiz-kid who is even remotely professional, they’ve all told you this is the most important thing you can “have” or “do.”

And that’s true. But did they really explain it to you - or just give you the same bullet-points you already found in your own research?

Did they actually solve the mystery???


If they tried, they probably gave you a litany of things you can’t even recall off the top of your head because it’s all so complicated nobody can keep it straight! Not even “the experts.”

That’s why Google, Bing and Safari are constantly modifying their search algorithms - trying to compete with each other - and, of course, confuse the hell out of all of us!

(Seriously, it’s their full-time job to frustrate everyone because they make a lot more money on recurring ad-spend and new ad-spend when they do!)


That wasn’t supposed to be a joke, Abbey - quit giggling!


So how do you really build better SEO?

Truth be told, same deal as Engagement: There is no answer. Certainly not one anyway.

So rather than try to sell you sand in the “digital desert,” I’m simply going to tell you something completely different:


Don’t do a damn thing the “experts” tell you!


Why? Because it’s YOUR ranch - not the thousand other Dude Ranches out there!

Your story is not their story. It’s different. So it must be told differently.

How? We have to figure that out. Together.


So we’ll work together - and we will figure it out.

We’ll constantly innovate, re-think and then pivot to new content strategies. This will require some real effort, but as you well know, nothing worth earning is given.

Working as a team, you will find it easier to stay motivated to do what you know you have to do because I will help you do it. . .

And don’t forget - it’s gonna be fun!



‘Nuff said.

Time to head on out. . .


My Promise To You: I’m going to help you create kick-ass content and boost SEO like I help my buddies find fish!

We’ll draw up what I call the “Trout Route” - not by going to the most popular spots on the river. Nope.

We’re gonna dive into the deep-end. We’re gonna pull out the topo maps and go find the backcountry watersheds and alpine lakes that maybe nobody has ever even cast a line into. . .


And we’re not going to just waltz on in, guns blazing, like John Wayne.

We’re going to use the natural terrain to dictate the best path of approach.

We’re not going to allow our shadow to fall upon the water.

We’re going to stop. Look. Listen. Let the river speak to us.

And when we make our move, we just might slip on a rock and fall straight in - scaring all the fish away!


But there are always more holes to hit - so we’ll find the next spot together.

We’ll look for the hatch rather than just tossing in what the local “Guru Guides” tell all the tourists back in town.

We’re going to observe what the river decides to tell us and let it guide our own fly choices.

Then, when we do finally make a cast, it will be pure and true to the nature of the water; its riffles, and natural flow. . .


Then, and only then, all the elements will align.

Mother Nature will smile upon us because we listened to Her.

There are no mysteries when you do things The Right Way.

And TWO things are for damn sure. . .



I don’t just stalk ‘n talk - I catch!



When I catch…I eat!

And so will you.


So let’s get after ‘em together!